The BCA’s Bay District will be conducting the joint services of the 850th anniversary of Shinran Shonin’s birth and the 800th anniversary of the establishment of Jodo Shinshu teachings beginning at 10 a.m. March 12 at the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple (PABT).
Bishop Rev. Marvin Harada will be the officiant. All of the Bay District ministers from the nine Bay District temples will be in attendance.
While in-person attendance is encouraged, the service will also be livestreamed via Zoom. After the service, attendees will break into smaller groups for Dharma sharing, activities for the Dharma School students and the Jr. Young Buddhist Adult groups.
A bento lunch will be available after the sessions in the gym. Bento lunch must be preordered through the local Bay District temple. For more details, check with the local temple.
Donations will be gratefully accepted online at or by check payable to BCAEF (with BD 850/800 in the memo). Proceeds will go the BCA Dharma Forward campaign.
Donations can be sent to the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple, 2751 Louis Road, Palo Alto, CA, 94303 before the service or collected that day.
For more information about the service, contact PABT Resident Minister Rev. Dean Koyama at