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Watsonville Launches Flood Relief Fund

The Watsonville Buddhist Temple, which was hit hard by flooding caused by January’s relentless series of rainy weather and storms, has established a GoFundMe drive to repair the damage.

The temple has set a goal of raising $50,000 to cover the rising expenses to rebuild, repair and clean the temple.

Watsonville temple past President Perry Yoshida, who established the fund, said the account will help pay for the costs associated with:

  • Replacement of damaged infrastructure including electrical, ducting and gas lines.

  • Drying out the basement and storage areas to prevent mold and mildew.

  • Replacement of drywall in damaged areas.

  • Repairs to roof leaks.

Just hours after the temple held its New Year’s Eve service, flood waters from the Salsipuedes Creek overflowed its banks and started to flood portions of Watsonville.

“Flood waters lapped at our temple front door, but miraculously did not enter the temple,” Yoshida said. “Unfortunately, the temple storage areas, garage, parsonage and basement area did not fare as well and flood waters submerged and damaged those areas.”

He said the temple put out a call for help, and temple members and community members responded. Volunteers came out to sandbag the temple’s structures, sweep out mud and flood waters, and clean the areas where the water came in. But the damage had been done.

“The Watsonville Buddhist Temple will continue to be a sanctuary of Buddhist thoughts and teaching where everyone is welcomed regardless of race, faith or beliefs,” Yoshida said. “Our cultural events and food festivals continue to unite our community. We hope that you would consider donating to the temple fundraiser to help repair the damage caused by the flood waters.”

How to Help

Donations can also be sent to:

Watsonville Buddhist Temple, 423 Bridge St, Watsonville, CA 95076

Attn: Flood Relief Fund


1 則留言

Weaver Craig
Weaver Craig

All people, regardless of race, are welcome at the Watsonville Buddhist Temple, which has always been and always will be a haven for Buddhist teachings and ideas. doodle jump

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