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JAMS Showcases Talent Throughout BCA

The third annual BCA Jodo Shinshu Artists and Musicians Showcase (JAMS) virtual talent show debuted on Feb. 26 and featured more than 20 performers from throughout the country.

Artists and musicians — both young and old, individuals and groups — were from Fresno, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Orange County, Oakland, Oregon, New Jersey, Pasadena, Palo Alto, Sacramento, and Sonoma County. The performers also included Sangha members and ministers.

A special thanks goes to NBC Bay Area’s Mike Inouye for co-hosting the event, and the more than 1,000 viewers who watched the video.

The entire video can be viewed on the BCA’s YouTube channel at:

Donations received from the event will go to subsidizing travel expenses for BCA youth members to attend BCA youth retreat events.

This is one of my favorite events of the year. I am so impressed with all of the talent in our BCA Sangha. I hope you all have a chance to watch and share the video at your temples.

Music has a way of bringing everyone together. It is one of the true universal languages that can be enjoyed by everyone. Thank you all for watching and supporting the artists, and please be sure to submit your video next year to be a part of this great show.



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