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Brian Koichi Mizushima

Sixth Annual BYR Summer Retreat Held June 25-July 1

The BCA hosted its sixth annual Buddhist Youth Retreat (BYR) Summer Retreat during the week of June 25 to July 1 at the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkeley, California.

In all, 14 young Buddhists participated and came from the Orange County Buddhist Church (OCBC), Seattle, Florin, Senshin, Tacoma, Oakland, Sacramento, and San Diego. 

Although the week started off with some challenges, we were able to pull through with flying colors. A special thank you to Molly Maseba and Ellie Mizushima for stepping up to help as student assistants for the entire week.

It was an amazing feeling to be back in person all together. The schedule for the week is a rather rigorous one, with each day being filled with instruction, services, and activities. I want to thank all of the amazing ministers and instructors that took time out of their busy schedules to be a part of this annual event.  

And thank you to all of the ministers and temple leaders throughout the BCA for encouraging your youth members to attend this event. We hope to bring in participants from all corners of the BCA. Thank you, everyone, and we hope to see many new faces next summer!



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